Can you feel her tears dripping from the sky?
Her blood oozing out from the split rubber tree.
Her voice crying out through the shrill bamboo slits
As our axe hacks away her petite limbs.
Her satin hair torn out from its roots
Our hands stinking and reeking of her gore.
The crushed white lily sinking down below
As we rape her again and again and again.
And with every drop of blood that spills out of her
We pick up the red ruby that crystallises below.
The silence in the graveyard hums her ode
As the winding road takes us back in circles.
The artist completes his final brushstroke
On the withered remains of “the last leaf”.
The moonlit night still casts a spell below
But the only thing that shines is lifeless steel.
The wind horse strikes sparks on the concrete floors
As tears of metal condense on our cheeks.
Lost childhood cries somewhere inside, unheard
Unaware that the Pied piper plays no more.
Edifices grow up like towering giants
As the bond of love gets buried deeper below.
Everything green outside dissolves
Like a parasite within, green envy thrives .
…But there right beneath the dark steel concrete
A long forgotten seed germinates to life…..